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How to Shift your Mindset and Practice Positivity

Taking a break to practice positivity self-care and mental wellness

Post updated on April 3rd, 2020


One of my favourite topics of conversation with friends or strangers is the extent of how powerful our mindset is. How you think and shape your mindset plays a big role in your overall health and wellbeing. I’ve been striving to practice the art of positivity every day in my life since I was a little girl and truly believe in reaping what you sow.

Have you ever had moments when things are going really well, and you feel positivity surround you and things just get better?

On the flipside,

Have you ever experienced moments where things weren’t going that great and you tried your very best to put a positive spin to things (or not at all)?

We are going through a huge shift at the moment, going into week 3-4 of quarantine due to Covid-19 and though I’ve been doing my best to stay productive, get my ducks in order, film TikTok videos, a quote really rang true for me:

It’s okay to not be okay. 


In the midst of binging Netflix shows, working really hard on new projects of my own, and doing all the things we do to stay sane during social distancing, I found myself feeling a mix of emotions as this week approached. It was a huge mix of well, everything that didn’t surface until recently:

I had so many travel and work plans for 2020- which has just fallen apart

I’ve made a conscious (and somewhat forced decision) to go back to freelancing full time from my 9-5

I don’t live with Elbert and hence, haven’t seen him in person for a month , which is making things even harder

I have moments where I just feel lost.


And that’s completely OK. 


Social media at this time plays such a big role in helping us escape what’s happening, and also feel more connected than ever before.


Between the noise of people doing the absolute bomb ass best during this time, and those who aren’t doing as well mentally and emotionally, it’s important to know that it’s COMPLETELY OKAY to do what’s best for you.

Hence, I’m updating this post to also include ways that we can shift our mindset and control what we can, as well as accepting what we can’t.


I want to share a couple tips that help me consistently choose to be Positive:


In the words of Queen Beyonce ~ I only spend 1 day to feel sorry about myself

I found that it’s extremely important to feel whatever emotion you’re feeling. If you’re happy, FEEL HAPPY and enjoy it. On the flipside, if you’re sad or unhappy, allow yourself to feel the emotion and understand it. I’ve been holding to that and if I need a day to feel sorry for myself, I do but then I pick myself back up and choose to be positive instead!

If you’re having conflicting feelings, I hope you take the time to FEEL it. It’s better than suppressing it and better for your mental health overall.

What’s happening during this time is out of our control, but what we can control is how we adapt and think about things.


How about we change the way we phrase our thoughts?

Yes, we are stuck at home = Yes, I have the time I can dedicate to better myself that I didn’t have before

I’m surrounded by my family all the time = I get to spend more focused time with my family that I didn’t have before

This sucks = We’re doing what we can to make things better, and overcome this together


Music is a Powerful Weapon

Music has always been a powerful tool for me whatever emotion I’m feeling. When I’m sad, I find picking up a guitar and singing some tunes help SO MUCH in bringing back the positivity.

The point is, music is a creative outlet to release frustration, but also to celebrate joy and positivity! Whatever your creative outlet is, whether it’s art or dance, find something you can do to help lift your spirits and spread positive vibes!


Watch Podcasts and Ted Talks

I love listening to Podcasts and Ted Talks when I’m at work with my headphones in because many a time, I either feel uplifted, motivated, inspired or enlightened!

There are a variety of Ted Talks especially talking about positivity, mindset, mental health and more, and I recommend finding some of your favourites. One of my favourite Ted talks actually talks about changing the way we think about stress! Turning stress into something positive can greatly change the way your brain is wired! 


You can share the podcasts that you’re listening to via my Checklist here! Do tag me in them on Instagram or share on Pinterest if you’d like!


Podcast check list



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Exercise is good for mental health

I’ve been exercising ALOT lately. And I’ve never felt so proud of myself haha.

During this time, home workouts are the norm. I’ve used YouTube a lot to find HIIT workouts. As well, the variety of gyms in Vancouver also offer free virtual classes so those help a ton.

Some of my friends mentioned that they can’t start their day on the right foot without their morning workout, which is very common and makes total sense!

When I do Yoga, I feel so in tuned with my body, my thoughts and it can be an incredible factor in shifting your mindset and makes you more positive because of all the endorphins it releases!


The Company of People you Keep around you Matter

Have you ever heard about how the company you keep reflect the person you are?

We all want to be friends but I find that the people I choose to surround myself with, and engage with on the regular basis play such a part in my mindset and how I view the world and my life.

Always remember to stay connected!

Humans are social beings and we need each other- especially during times of high stress. Connect with friends – there are so many ways to do so virtually! Use Zoom, or HouseParty! 


Identify Negative Thoughts and Choose Positivity


Awareness is a HUGE thing for me. I mean, you can’t fix something you’re not aware of right?

Similar to fixing a bad habit, opting to be positive can be a habit.

I found that nowadays, I’m definitely more attuned to realizing where my thoughts seem to go and then rectifying it into something positive!

Positivity also can be manifested through creating a space in your home that makes you happy. Take some time to think about ways to make your home comfortable with this new normal. Stay creative when decorating, and find ways to boost your creatitivity!


Believe in the Power of Prayer

Most of my life I’ve placed a lot of importance in the power of prayer through the good and the bad in my life. I find prayer to be uplifting and joyful and it has played a big part in bringing positivity into the centerfold of my life.


Have a Happiness Jar


I’ve heard people create something called the Happiness Jar where you would put little notes of what amazing things every day that you’re grateful for!

If you don’t feel happy enough to make your own – which again, is TOTALLY FAIR, how about look for positive things in the world to add.

It’s hard but start small!

Maybe it’s that pollution around the world seems to be decreasing, OR people are helping each other during this time of need to get groceries. Or, that our healthcare system is doing the best they can and we should be grateful for them.

If you search for positivity, it’s easier to find it. 



Don’t Forget to Practice Self Care


When I was blogging full time for a year, this was the one thing I can safely say I neglected. With what I know NOW, I’m going back to full time blogging with a fresh set of eyes and a new mindset.

Self care is more than just bubble baths and massages, it’s about allocating time every day to take care of your mind and body, your social relationships and not feeling sorry about it. When I used to do it, i wouldn’t stop working. Now, I make sure the computer turns off at 5 pm. It’s the little things.


It’s a hard time, I get it. As I’m rewriting this post, I’m tearing up because it’s hard. We all process things differently.

Never feel like you’re not doing enough or making the most of this time- ON THE FLIPSIDE, never feel bad for making the most of this time and working harder than you’ve ever been. Everyone is different, and that’s completely, 100% okay.




I hope all these tips are helpful to you guys in one way or another! Lets aim to shift our mindset and practice positivity! As always, I’m on Twitter and Instagram, so reach out to me anytime if you need a friend.


Till next time xx


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