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The True Meaning Of Christmas – What Does It Mean To You? | The Persistent Goal


It’s a word we throw around a lot, but we don’t really know what it means (to us).

I don’t mean that in a religious sense – but I mean that in a way that relates to you.

We’re constantly bombarded with advertisements by businesses wanting us to buy their products (sometimes starting as early as November) all the time – to the point where you can’t even walk down the street without hearing the word “holidays” in your head.

But in spite of all this commercialism and a rush to buy this holiday season, ask yourself this:

What does Christmas mean to you?


Everyone is different. Christmas can mean a number of different things to different people – but what does it mean to you?

For me, Christmas has always been a time when my family comes together to celebrate each other.

It’s the only time of the year when we all get the time off to see each other; and it’s a rare time when I can see all of my siblings in the same room – which never happens for us because we’re all scattered across the globe.

Christmas has never been about receiving gifts. It’s always been a time for generosity, and a day where you can show someone you care about that you know them on a deeper level.

In many times, the gifts are just a bonus – and let’s not pretend that we don’t like gifts here – to the whole thing. To me, one of the best times of the year is gathering the family around the Christmas tree and getting us all snug in my mom’s apartment and giving each other company; and Christmas gives us all a time to catch up and laugh and poke fun at one another.

Yes, it’s a time where we pass the gifts around to each other, and that’s fun and we make a day of it. But to me it’s a time when all of us can be gathered in the same room and be thankful that we have each other.

It’s a time when we can put away our selfish desires and be present for each other – and it’s one of the only times of the year that we can all be in the same room and just laugh and enjoy each other’s company.

And now that Christmas is approaching I’m excited. I haven’t done much of my shopping, but I refuse to let the gift giving stress me out. After all, all we’re really doing is giving gifts around a tree, right? It’s important not to take the whole thing too seriously – and for me, stress has no place during these holiday times because stress only gains as much power as we give back to it.

Our minds are fuelled by our anxieties – so will you choose worry over laughter? Fear over joy? And getting over giving?

Hey, if you like getting gifts I’m not here to judge you – we all like giving because we usually get something in return.

But it’s not the gift-giving here that matters: if you were to take out the tree and the decorations and the gifts, what would remain? Would it be those feelings of happiness and laughter that we tap into during this magical time of year, or would it be thoughts of worry and frustration? Will you allow yourself to be disappointed over the gifts you get or will you acknowledge the thought and love that your friends, family, and loved ones direct towards you during this holiday season?

Sometimes it’s hard to shop for a gift for someone if you don’t know what they want, but isn’t the trying the important part? Because when we try we don’t get it right all the time – but if the thought is there and if the kindness is there, shouldn’t we embrace that feeling instead of those of anger and frustration?

So I ask you this: what does Christmas mean to you? I challenge you to choose joy over stress, happiness over worry, and celebrate your loved ones this holiday season.

Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear what you think about Christmas and how the holiday times makes you feel. Everybody’s different but we all carry our own unique stories, so please share yours below.

By Blake Powell

The Persistent Goal | Reach Your Potential Today



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