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Compact Remedy for Your Skin ft. Healing Natural Oils

Do you like going au natural? Looking for a compact remedy for your skin to carry with you? 

I grew up with sensitive skin, and had bouts of eczema and rashes (eww, I know) throughout my childhood. As I grew older, my body grew out of it and I thankfully haven’t had much skin irritation so far. After moving to Canada, I found that with every start of the seasons changing, my skin tends to act up again. Dryness, eczema, you know, all those fun stuff.

Healing Natural Oils

I use medicated creams to fight it but it provides temporary relief and doesn’t really solve any underlying issues. I also wasn’t the most excited about steroid creams. As of now, I’m going au natural with oils made from natural ingredients by Healing Natural Oils!

This post is in partnership with Healing Natural Oils! That being said, all thoughts and opinions are my own!

Healing Natural Oils pride themselves in being products made from 100% Natural Ingredients manufactured in the US. Because of the contents of the oils, they are gentle on sensitive skin and you can choose from a variety of oils to fit your exact skin/hair needs. I’ve tried out the Simply Hair Oil, H-Eczema Formula and the Simply Skin Vitamin Oil!

I love me a good skin care routine and have recently incorporated the Simply Skin Vitamin Oil to my before-bed skin prep. It’s recommended to use 6-10 drops but I started it out with a lesser amount to test how it works on my skin. It’s oily but is quickly absorbed into the skin. After some time, my skin does appear brighter and softer! The Jojoba Oil it contains works wonders as it is an ideal for all skin types, acts as a moisturizer and aids inflamed skin conditions!

Ooo, and the hair oil is one of my favourites! It contains Moroccan Argan Oil and makes your hair softer and healthier! You can also use it while your hair is damp or dry- hence perfect to carry with you while travelling or just out and about!

And I have to add that I really like the size of the bottles- yes, packaging is important. The oils come in small, compact, easy to carry bottles that you can literally bring everywhere. I usually put the hair oil in my purse when my hair is feeling dry. It also helps to reduce/get rid of frizz which is nice in these hot, summer days by the beach. I carry the Face Oil in my purse as well and use it on my hands and legs haha (multi-purpose am I right?).

Just so you guys know, these are oils so.. naturally it’s oily. I usually use 2-3 drops sparingly depending on if I’m home or on the run! If you don’t want to multi-use it like me, they also sell an oil specifically for hands.

You can head to the Healing Natural Oils website for a full list of the natural ingredients in each, and instructions as to how to use them individually or collectively with other oils for maximum benefits!

Find these products and more on the Healing Natural Oils WEBSITE HERE. 

Find Healing Natural Oils on Instagram and Facebook too!

Any questions about my experience? Ask me in the Comments below!

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