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5 Tips To Make Working From Home Comfortable for You

Walking along the beach in a flowy pink skirt

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We’ve all seen a lot of changes the past few days and the news is constantly changing with updates on Covid-19. These can be scary times while we adjust to the new normal. With health professionals suggesting social distancing, many workplaces have moved to remote work or to work from home for the time being. I actually started a new job last week, and while I didn’t expect my first week to go completely remote, I’ve been trying my best to stick to a schedule and roll with what I’ve got. 


When I blogged full-time (and I still balance my blog with my day job), I was working from home so I tried to remember what worked best for me while I was doing complete remote work. Working from home can be a big adjustment if you’ve never done it, but I promise, there are ways to stay productive and feel like you have some sort of routine!  


Here are my 5 tips to make working from home comfortable for you: 


Maintain and Stick to Your Regular Routine 

Enjoying the sunshine in a casual white top, flowy pink skirt and classic shoes

It can be very tempting to work in your PJs every day and never leave your bed when you’re working from home but it’s important to stick to a somewhat regular routine. 

As much as possible, I have my regular morning routine to get my mindset ready for work.

I’ll wake up, make a fresh cup of coffee, wash my face and even do my makeup and hair! Some may think it’s silly but the very act of waking up as usual and getting ready can make me feel ready to settle in and start the day! 

I change my clothes even when I’m working from home. It doesn’t have to be your regular business professional outfit but even a comfy sweater and pants that aren’t PJs will keep you from getting in that work from home slump. 

What I’m trying to get at is during this period of time, forming a regular or new routine helps your brain adjust. It may take a day or two to get used to things, but trust me when I say- it helps ground you. I find that once I have my routine figured out, it’s easy to blend new things into the equation.

Find the silver lining in this! I do my laundry midday because I can, and it helps me feel like I’m being more productive. 

Also, don’t forget to stop working. 

Clock in and out after your regular work hours. For me, it’s the standard 8 hours and so, once the clock hits 5 pm, I turn my work laptop off and get on with my evening. 


Keep Those Social Connections!

Humans are social beings! We need each other and interaction with others to survive. 

During this time of social distancing, I encourage you to maintain social interactions – online! 

Pick up the phone, or jump on a zoom video call. Zoom is free btw- I much prefer it compared to Skype. 

Working from home can feel lonely when you don’t have your co-workers to interact with. With my new job, we’ve been meeting on video calls and running most of the interactions that way. So, instead of firing off that email, jump on a call to catch up and work through the problems together.

Just connecting and seeing each other virtually helps a lot in feeling less isolated. My friends and I have even started using Zoom to host work lunches together. 

If anything, NOW is the time to connect online (funny, if you want to read my post on disconnecting to connect, find it HERE).


Take Breaks Throughout Your Day 

It can be tempting to sit at your desk (or bed) all day when you’re working from home. 

Being remote can feel comfortable and there aren’t really excuses to get up from your chair like you’d usually do for meetings, lunches or catching up with your co-workers. I try to do a quick 20-minute workout during the middle of the day. 

At this time, a lot of gyms and fitness studios are running IG live workout sessions so definitely check in with your fitness gyms to see if those are an option. Even though gyms are closed, I still try to fit some movement into my busy schedule.  Your body also needs movement so get up and stretch for 5 minutes every half hour or so. I take a lunch break walk outside in the sun for a couple minutes to recharge.

Keep your regular meal times as well! And don’t forget to hydrate! 


Create a Calm and Productive Work Space 


Many of us are tempted to just work on the couch or sit in bed. As much as it is comfortable, it doesn’t help you stay the most productive. 

If you can, clear out a small space at home that is dedicated to working. 

Whether it be transforming part of your dining room table or clearing off that desk you use for storage in your room, create a space that is open with all the supplies that you need. 

Giving yourself a dedicated area to work from home not only helps you get into that work mode but it also helps you build boundaries around work. 

It’s difficult to stop working at the end of the day because I’m already home! If I have a space I can step away from, it helps to switch from work to rest. Even though we are working from home, it’s still more important than ever to keep your mental health a priority. 


Make To-Do Lists and Stay Organized 


I love creating lists and crossing items off to keep myself accountable throughout the day. Working from home makes it hard to manage your time and tasks so I try to plan out my day in the morning. 

My first task is to sit down at my desk and make my to-do list for the day and find out which tasks I need to prioritize. This way I can see physically everything I need to get done and I get the satisfaction of crossing them off when I complete them! 

Here are two checklist templates that you can do , or share with friends in order to stay accountable to taking care of yourself! Feel free to tap to save , and if you share them on IG Stories, tag me so I can share the love!



Of course, there isn’t ONE way to do things, and what works for me doesn’t necessarily work for you. It’s important to figure out what would work best for you in order for this to work! 

I hope these tips help while you are working from home the next few weeks! I ran a poll on my IG stories recently on whether anyone would be interested in virtual lunch connections to make things less lonely – feel free to drop me a DM there if you’re interested! 

If we stick together and lead with compassion, we will get through these challenging times.

Let’s look out for each other and share some laughs, even if it’s online for now. 


Stay safe and healthy out there, 

xoxo Sam


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